Thursday, March 20, 2008

are the world's financial markets about to collapse?

I don't think so but there has sure been some worrying times lately. Share portfolios are in the red and the US market is talking about a recession. have a look at the http://asxinsider/
forum / general for news highlights. and in the stocks A-H for Mega's tips.

Mega's best tip right now is to get into sugar and sugar recycling of sugarcane waste- being used for energy generation.. and other food essentials.
The Aust financial review on 6.2.08 reported that billionaire RON BRIERLEY via his company Guinness Peat, has purchased a 27% stake in Marlborough sugar MSF. It was about 2.84 and now is at it lowest at 2.44.
It's out of our ten cent range, but if you can afford it..Buy because Ron knows his stuff..
If we are at the top of the cycle (end of the bull market) then it is time to invest in essentials and commodities. Just hang in there. the market will recover but it might take six months. Don't sell - just wait and scratch around for some bargains..

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